Friday, 12 December 2014

Top SEO Tips for 2015

If you're running a website, you probably know that criteria for website's ranking always change; some SEO tips become more prioritized, while others less important. Obviously, it's impossible to keep your website on the top, unless you're in the loop of the latest SEO tips for 2015.
The below top SEO tips for 2015 will help your site improve rankings in SERP (search engine result pages).
Google+ communities. Google plus is gaining more popularity, every day small and big businesses join the social networking platform. No doubt, the communities grow and their influence on rankings rises as well. Join communities based on common interests on Google plus as well as create and build a community of followers. Take into account that community is a place for link opportunities while links are the golden rule of SEO.
Hilarious content. Content is probably one of the SEO tips which is always top-prioritized. Search engines love quality content and the quality content is measured by being sharable and linkable. Write quality content, engage your fans and make them want to return.
Disavow link tool. Use Google's disavow link tool in Google Webmaster tools to get rid of unnatural links and avoid spam issues.
Facebook Edgerank algorithm. Today, search engine optimization and social media are coming together as never before. It's hard to imagine a business that has not an official page on giant social network like Facebook. Brands need to pay to promote their posts on Facebook as the website's Edgerank algorithm is changing.
Link building tactics. Link building across the website is still very important. Do not just build links, but use traffic driving approaches to your targeted pages. Also, make sure the pages that link to you are relevant and high-quality. Otherwise, you may notice a sudden decrease in rankings or if spam links link to your website, your website may also become a victim of spam.
Mobile search. Undoubtedly mobile search is gaining momentum as the number of smart phone users is rising with each passing year. Develop a mobile version of your website to increase traffic and visibility.
Local SEO. In the edge of mobile data, any business needs to have local presence. Optimize local profiles to increase visibility, ensuring you mentioned proper information such as phones, address, etc.
Anchor texts. Anchor texts are hyperlink words. Make sure your anchor texts are keyword-targeted and they link to the right pages.
Hope the above-mentioned SEO tips for 2015 were helpful. Stay tuned!
If you make your business to improve on Google Search Ranking, so contact SEO Company Islamabad, Pakistan.
The purpose of this website is to help you run a successful SEO campaign. You'll learn the latest search engine news, SEO tips and tricks, SEO Services in Islamabad and more.

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